Stylish 60s Party Girls

Lillibridge, 60s party girls

I found this image while researching some shapes for the STRUT fashion show in Burlington, Vermont I am doing in September with my friends Maggie and Jen. I love the simplicity of these dresses and the prints possess some serious WOW factor. As a high school boyfriend used to say, “They are stylin’ hard.” As much as I admire their fashion sense, I am not entirely convinced that I would like these women—no matter how hard they are stylin’. Break out the party dresses ladies—Saturday night is nearly upon us!

2 thoughts on “Stylish 60s Party Girls

  1. From Aunt Martha—”I had a dress like the dotted one back in the sixties. I loved it but a seagull pooped on me while I was riding the ferry to Nantucket in the summer of 1964. It didn’t match the other dots and I never got the stain out.”

  2. I actually love this illustration, having grown up in the 60s and worn these shifts as we called them.
    Is this your drawing?
    (and by the way, I think you would have loved these women!)..

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