art with function…

Lisa Lillibridge, carved door, dakota 1966 burlington vermont

I carved and painted this salvage door to use in new construction in an apartment renovation for my Mom. I really like the idea of art with function and having a closet door be a work of art that is utilized every day is certainly that. I found the handle in a box of wood that someone was throwing out. The shape and smoothness make a great handle. I used vintage hardware to secure and because it’s a closet this handle can be opened easily…good for wet nails or hands with lotion on them.

The door is in a dressing area and makes the whole space feel so inviting and festive. I am hoping to do more of these doors for clients it’s an easy way to have huge impact in a space. I think this type of art would be particularly effective in space that you want to have a rather clean aesthetic. I don’t only do birds—the possibilities are endless.

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