I spent last week…

at Kripalu in Lenox, Massachusetts studying Positive Psychology.   The program is an online course through the Wholebeing Institute.  There is a lot of helpful information on their site. I fell in love with the remarkable students from all over the world enrolled in this program (especially my small group and roommate).  I don’t quite even have words to describe the instructors and support staff…it will come to me eventually.  I’m truly grateful for the privilege of studying this material and being able to share what I’m learning with my family and friends.

Psychology has always been a passion of mine, however, I wasn’t quite ready to commit to finishing my graduate work (I have nine hours from the University of South Dakota—go Coyotes) and this program came on my radar.  To spend a week with people studying gratitude, authenticity, values, happiness, active listening and love was amazing. (There is a huge body of evidence supporting how much gratitude changes your brain chemistry and increases you happiness).  I thought my photos might actually tell more of a story about my experience than words.  Kripalu is a remarkably peaceful place in the Berkshire Mountains of Western, Massachusetts.  I can’t wait to go back in September.

Here’s the link Kripalu.