life’s purpose vs. being purposeful

I’m so weary of the world telling me to “find my purpose”.  It creates such unnecessary anxiety. Preaching PURPOSE as the only path to HAPPINESS and SATISFACTION is so common everywhere in our culture that it’s actually pretty hard to get away from.  As I pondered this life’s purpose mumbo jumbo, I had a thought that eased my mind.

What if we shifted the discussion from

“FINDING OUR PURPOSE” to simply realizing

that every day we are already being “PURPOSEFUL”? 

We all do things that make the world a better place on a “micropurpose” level all the time. These adds up to something pretty damn awesome.  We make people laugh, prepare food, hold doors, show up, smile, let something go, say “I’m sorry”, pick up the check, sit with people in grief, lend a helping hand, let someone cut in line, turn the other cheek, give hugs, wash things, lend money and encouragement, pick up trash, grab coffee, send gifts, laugh at jokes, buy a drink, text “I love you” or make a phone call, the list goes on and on.

So, instead of beating ourselves up that we haven’t found our life’s purpose—let’s just take breath (or 2 or even 3) and then take a look at how truly purposeful we are every single day of our lives.  These purposeful gestures can have a ripple effect making things better for so many beings…including ourselves.

Simply choosing to live in a purposeful manner is much easier to build upon than another day chasing the somewhat indulgent and rather elusive preoccupation with finding “LIFE’S PURPOSE”.

So here’s to not actually finding LIFE’S PURPOSE and living a life that is beautifully purposeful.

P.S. I take my coffee with only a splash of cream. 🙂  How do you take yours?