an art consultant & “skin in the game”

boots and skirt lillibridge dakota 1966

12-10-13 A quick sketch for a painting idea.

Monday I had a conversation with San Francisco art consultant Alan Bamberger. The one hour consult was a Christmas gift from my mother. Thanks Mom! He took a look at my entire online persona and made a lot of suggestions for how to up my game. I now feel highly motivated to get current work on my website and start painting and carving again.

He also helped me realized that I often write like I am communicating with friends and not an audience that doesn’t know anything about my art and process. That was eye opening. I find it very challenging to bark about myself and yet being an artist is running a small business. I guess by that logic I would have no problem barking about a promotion if I was selling something I hadn’t created. So Alan told me to get over the perception that talking about my work is being to boastful or egocentric or whatever. I’m hoping you feel the same way, because I don’t want to come off that way at all…baby steps.

I found the process to be very encouraging and if you can find someone to do this for you I highly recommend it. Often we let friends and partners serve in this consultant role but without some “skin in the game” we don’t listen to the advice as closely. Here’s the link to Alan’s contact information if you’re interested.