I love January. Is that so wrong?

I have to confess something, I love January.  It’s cold. The days are short and sunshine is in short supply.  Hibernation is expected, not frowned upon.

I love January because it’s a chance for a clean(er) slate. 

I’ve always seen ringing in the new year as an opportunity to change habits, shift the way I do things a bit and look forward to what’s ahead. (Very original idea, I’m aware.)

I usually think “good riddance”…onto a new year.

However, in my middle-aged haze today I suddenly became acutely aware of not only looking ahead—but really taking stock of the previous year.

I looked at my photos for the last twelve months and I softened a bit about dear ole’ 2014.  There was travel and creativity and transitions and mysteries and laughter and connections and heartaches and befuddlement and tears and growth…all such wonderful human things to experience and they deserve to be properly honored.

So, farewell 2014.  You’ve taught me many things and I’m grateful.



Hello 2015, let’s get to know each other. I’m putty in your hands.