be a goldfish…

I thought I would write part two of Farewell 2021 being nostalgic and looking back over my year.

I started sorting my photos, many of those memories were truly delightful. I met two brilliant & handsome 18-month-old boys (Cru, my great-nephew, and Roger, the grandson of dear friends). I also saw The Rolling Stones for the very first time.

Other memories of 2021…well, let’s just say they weren’t ALL delightful. I learned a helluva lot though.

This morning, I watched a TEDtalk Choices that can Change your Life by Caroline Myss. This got me thinking about the nature of choice, the power of language, integrity, and how I can observe my own behavior in new ways. Caroline’s TEDtalk won’t land the same for everyone, being reminded of the POWER OF CHOICE was what I needed to hear today.

“I will not pass my suffering on, but my wisdom.” —Caroline Myss

wisdom NOT woe, check…

Today, I’m making a choice to spend more time thinking about and planning my future than dwelling on my past…especially childhood bullshit. I’m 55-years-old, good grief it’s time.

I want to look forward with an expansive, heart-swelling sense of the endless possibilities that exist in the universe. This is my goal, aspirational I know and I will slip up often. Ted Lasso’s advice just might help me stay on track.

“You know what the happiest animal in the world is? It’s a goldfish. It’s got a 10-second memory.

Be a goldfish!”


In 2022 want to be more like a goldfish than an elephant.

Thank you Judith for sharing this TEDtalk. ❤️

Thank you, Caroline Myss, and the writers at Ted Lasso.

Wow, I guess the TEDs really spoke to me today.