I was recently visiting my family in Burke, South Dakota and discovered that there was going to be a “trunk show” at Stella’s the diner/bar/gathering place.  I was thrilled to get to do a little Christmas shopping in Burke while I was home (actually I did quite a lot of Christmas shopping and bought myself a bag as well).  Both SAPAHN and JHaus are interesting companies.  They are very different in mission, but one thing is true about both—they are about empowering women and selling really cool goods. It was a pleasure to finally meet both Brooke and Jen.  I had heard a lot about these women over the years and I couldn’t believe my good fortune.  Brooke is the daughter of a friend/classmate and my niece, Kate did an internship with Jen in LA last summer.

stellas trunk show sapahn brooke mullen

SAPAHN (Brooke Mullen)

Can beautiful things do something beautiful?

Sapahn, the Thai word for bridge, is the perfect word for what we are about. We set out to connect places, ideas, traditions, artisans, and people like you with the goal of creating sustainable, economic opportunities.

JHaus Jeans (Jen Hausmann)

Boyd County, Nebraska, the origin of a dream nurtured in the midst of corn fields and cattle drives. The family farm: full of heritage, old, rusty, and dusty things, the root of JHaus.