12 staggeringly helpful words…




We get to choose.

—Rick Rubin (music producer/author) The Creative Act: A Way of Being

ZOOMING IN: Things seem to be falling apart in so many destructive and senseless ways now. When I zoom in on that world-weariness it zaps my energy and I scan for validation about why I feel this way. This makes me respond with judgment, criticism, anxiety, and fear.

ZOOMING OUT: The world is filled with people who are empathetic, compassionate, innovative, generous, and kind. Those stories do not make BREAKING NEWS.

Just imagine all day long learning about heroic acts of GENEROSITY, SELF-SACRIFICE, CREATIVITY, & LOVE.

ZOOMING IN: Focusing, ruminating, and commenting on other people’s words, behaviors, and choices


ZOOMING OUT: I’m only in charge of my thoughts, words, choices, and actions. I cannot force others to think, speak, choose, or act as I do. When I catch myself thinking about what others should be doing—I need to ZOOM OUT and gain more perspective.

“Creativity is not a rare ability. It is not difficult to access. Creativity is a fundamental aspect of being human. It’s our birthright. And it’s for all of us.”

—Rick Rubin

Special Thanks: To my husband, Jeff for finding and downloading Rick Rubin’s book. Rick Rubin, listening to The Creative Act has been quite an education. Thank you.

Link to Audible sample: https://www.audible.com/pd/The-Creative-Act-Audiobook/B0B3L2T9W5?psafe_param=1&source_code=GO1GB547041122911G&gclid=CjwKCAjw_YShBhAiEiwAMomsEBNC7t8wJQncDOxqj3xHKzJQ9mfDTPf8lToLx6b4_6OPrFG4fMH7txoCkk0QAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds