Hanging Show Tomorrow. Pieces still drying.


Finding our place in the world.
This can take many shapes depending on what you or the teenagers in your life are looking for now. What we are seeking changes all the time…Love, Purpose, Comfort, Quiet, Wealth, Validation, Escape and so on. The challenge for me with the teenagers in my world is to let them do this on their own terms. It ain’t easy. But, it’s entirely necessary.


The Unintended Purpose of Categorization


The impulsive nature of the frontal cortex.

3 thoughts on “Hanging Show Tomorrow. Pieces still drying.

  1. Reblogged this on Maggie Pace: From Scratch and commented:
    My friend Lisa Lillibridge’s show is going up at UVM today. She will be giving a talk at a reception on a date TBD. I will post when the time comes. I saw this work in her studio as she was working to complete it. It is really amazing; somehow Lisa’s work is primitive and modern at the same time. She uses simple lines, bold colors and a masterful carving/finishing technique that gives her pieces a deceiving richness of depth. It’s the kind of work that catches your eye and the more you look the more you find. In fact, I met Lisa’s work before I met Lisa. I was mesmerized and dragged my husband and my sister to stare at this painting I couldn’t peel myself away from. I met her about two weeks later and we’ve been friends ever since.

  2. Excellent commentary, Lisa! I’m very excited about this exhibit too. I love that you use the word “pliable” because that fits perfectly with my philosophy of child-rearing. I believe we’re most successful as parents when we guide and shape a child to become their own person.

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