A few of the things the NYtimes taught me today.

christopher wool, lillibridge
This painting, created in 1988 by artist Christopher Wool titled “Apocalypse Now” is estimated to be worth between 15 and 20 million. What a crazy world we live in. Although, I kind of think the message of the painting is appealing.

katniss sweater, lillibridge
LA knitting designer Maria Dora designed this for Katniss Everdeen (Hunger Games). It is meant to show that she has a heart at home but needs to fit into the fashionable world of the Capitol. I would guess a lot of these will be knit after the movie comes out on the 22nd.

Lillibridge, NYtimes, attractive candidates
You think of attractive political candidates as gaining votes by the “halo effect”. It turns out that it might be linked to ancient adaptations for avoiding disease. In districts with high levels of disease and unhealthy populations— healthy, attractive candidate had a much easier time at the ballot box. Interesting huh?

hair on inside, lillibridge
Apparently I’ve been looking like a fool for a very long time wearing my hair on the outside of my necklaces. I feel like such a fashion DON’T. Why didn’t anyone say anything?