othering/a transitive verb

by Lisa Lillibridge

to treat or consider 
(a person or a group of people) 
as alien to oneself
Merriam Webster

I want to blame
I need to blame
someone else
something else 
anywhere else
for my inner tornado


easy breezy
automatic, unconscious

our world’s challenges
far too complex
and exhausting
to metabolize 
entirely on my own

quell my fears 
confirm my programming
please just tell me who, what, and where
I should other today

my team’s constant drumbeat
deliberate, unyeielding
laboring 24/7 
to justify
their clouding of my inner knowing 

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fair and balanced
the daily diary of the American dream
all the news that’s fit to print

and distracting
like a howling airplane baby

poor mum
damn baby

damn mum
poor baby


like an ice cold beer
hot, salty french fries
or another slice of chocolate cake

how did I other today?

those people are not my people
that problem is not my problem
that place is not my place


conformity is obedient and compliant
far easier
than looking in the mirror
and down into my own heart

I know I should not utter a word
until I’ve walked at least 
ten steps in someone else’s
high heels
wing tips
flip flops
or bare feet

but I do
we all do 
and it’s destroying us